Jesus Centered Community

Jesus describes himself as the vine and us as the branches (John 15:5). This makes him the center of our faith. Because our faith affects our whole person, Jesus is at the center of our lives. Therefore, it is important to follow Jesus, drawing close to him. The orientation and momentum of our lives is towards Jesus.

Great Friend to the City

“Seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have sent you …” (Jeremiah 29:7). God invites us to come alongside our cities and work for their well-being. We do this as a by being a great friend to our city. When there is a problem, we want to be at the top of the list to help. And when there is a cause for celebration, we want to be loud participants at the party. We come alongside as a friend to the poor, small businesses, residents, refugees and more.

Rooted, Growing, Reaching

We’re convinced spiritual transformation is a work of grace that God does in us. And we also have a responsibility in the process. So we develop a plan for being rooted in God, growing in community and reaching out in love. Through worship, teaching, communion, fasting, prayer and leaning on God, we come to receive from God and respond to God’s lead. This helps us stay rooted. By caring for one another, gathering in teams and clusters of relationships, and developing spiritual friendships, we grow in community. When we serve and volunteer, get involved in mission to our neighborhood and the nations, and be a good neighbor, we reach out in love. This is the journey of growth in Jesus.