A Church Where Everyone Gets to Play

Too often our churches are made up of an audience of attendees, rather than a community of participants. What happens if we shift our thinking and practice from audience to actor, from observer to involved? God’s vision in scripture is for the church to be a community where women and men and children, regardless of ethnicity, education and economics, are in touch with and activated towards the work God created, saved and is wanting to equip them to do. We explore this idea and what it might be like for us to be such a church, in this sermon.

Passage: 1 Corinthians 12:7, Ephesians 2:8-10, Ephesians 4:11-16
Preacher: Jim Pool

People Empowered by the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit was present at the conception, baptism and ministry of Jesus. The Holy Spirit was present at the Church’s birthday. Even as Jesus ministered in the power of the Spirit, so all disciples do the same, regardless of age, gender, income, education or race. Yet why don’t we experience the “greater things” that Jesus said that his followers would work? In this sermon we explore that very question. Curious? Take a listen and then spend some time with God.

Passage: Acts 1, Galatians 5:22-23, Luke 5:17, John 14:12, and Ephesians 5:18.
Preacher: Jim Pool

Serving Our Neighbors in Need

The people of God serving their neighbors in need is one of the central threads of scripture, one of the basics of biblical faith. Think about the prophets, about the life of Jesus, the practices of his earliest followers and close friends, and we discover this is so. Why, then, don’t we see more churches, and more of Jesus’ disciples, practicing this lifestyle? In this sermon we consider four blocks in our lives that, if removed, might help us to regain momentum and movement towards the rule and reign of God in this way. Curious? Listen in.

Passage: Matthew 25:31-46
Preacher: Jim Pool

The Heart of Worship: More Than a Song

In this continuation of the Roots of RenVC sermon series, we explore the value and practice of worship. What happens when God’s people express the heart of worshippers? And what would that even look like? In this inspiring message, Korderro Brown helps us discover more about ourselves as we look at the scriptures and one of the most famous worship services in the Bible.

Passage: 2 Chronicles 5:11-14
Preacher: Korderro Brown

A Welcoming Church

Every church talks about being welcoming. Just look at the banners and marquees. What does it look like to be welcoming? Might it be more than free lattes, plastic smiles from parking attendants and permission to wear less than your best denim? Maybe. Consider these unexpected words from Jesus about a welcome beyond “come as you are, you’ll be loved.”

Passage: Matthew 23
Preacher: Jim Pool

Ethiopia, Kids and the Kingdom of God

As we continue our Roots of RenVC sermon series, we’d be remiss if we didn’t talk about Ethiopia and Kids, two topics near and dear to our hearts. In this sermon, Marcia Thaxton, our Vineyard Kids Director and frequent traveler to Ethiopia ties these two themes together, and connects them to a new initiative to expand our partnership opportunities in Ethiopia. Curious? Listen in.

Passage: Luke 18:15-16
Preacher: Marcia Thaxton

A Church Comfortable with Mess

“Come as you are, you’ll be loved.” That’s a common phrase at lots of churches. Is it really true? And what happens if it is true? In this sermon we explore the idea that where there is life in human community, there is mess. Especially in the exciting, beautiful, life-giving mess of birth … and the new birth into faith in Jesus. In this sermon we consider how we can be a church that makes space for people as they are being born again and how we can be a church that helps them to grow once they’re born.

Passage: Proverbs 14:4, John 3:1-15
Preacher: Drew Fralick

Abiding in Jesus: Love is our Lifeblood

In this sermon we explore the fourth “river rock” in our Roots of RenVC series: the core value and practice of abiding in Jesus. We’ll discover what it looks like when love is our lifeblood as we connect deeply with Jesus. In this “last words” moment, Jesus uses his surroundings to help his friends get a sense of what it looks like to remain his apprentices for the long haul.

Passage: John 15:1-17
Preacher: Jim Pool

A Community Centered on Jesus

What happens when we learn some interesting lessons from mathematical set theory, apply them to church community, and then try to faithfully follow Jesus? Listen to this sermon and discover what is God might be saying to you.

Passage: Romans 14:1-15:7
Preacher: Jim Pool

Being and Making Disciples: People of the Great Commission

This morning we explore the second “river rock” in our Roots of RenVC series: how we are a people of the Great Commission, being and making disciples of Jesus. Our senior pastor also shares an important personal announcement about his calling and ministry.

Passage: Matthew 28:16-20
Preacher: Jim Pool